Term & Conditions

  • DFEW database is available for non-commercial research purposes only.
  • All clips of the DFEW database are obtained from the Internet, not the property of AIPL, Southeast University, China. The AIPL is not responsible for the content nor the meaning of these clips.
  • You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade, resell or exploit for commercial purposes, any portion of the clips, and any derived data.
  • You agree not to further copy, publish, or distribute any portion of the DFEW database. Except for internal use at a single site within the same organization, it is allowed to make copies of the dataset.
  • The AIPL reserves the right to terminate your access to the DFEW database at any time.
  • How to get the Password

    This database is publicly available. It is free for professors and researcher scientists affiliated to a University.

    Permission to use but not reproduce or distribute the DFEW database is granted to all researchers given that the following steps are properly followed:
    Send an E-mail to Xingxun Jiang(jiangxingxun@seu.edu.cn) and Yuan Zong(xhzongyuan@seu.edu.cn) before downloading the database. You will need a password to access the files of DFEW database. Your E-mail MUST be set from a valid University account and MUST include the following text:

    Subject: Application to download the DFEW Facial Expression Database          
    Name: <your first and last name>
    Affiliation: <University where you work>
    Department: <your department>
    Position: <your job title>
    Email: <must be the email at the above mentioned institution>
    I have read and agree to the terms and conditions specified in the DFEW facail expression database webpage. This database will only be used for research purposes. I will not make any part of this database available to a third party. I'll not sell any part of this database or make any profit from its use.

    Content Preview

  • DFEW
  • Clips
    Emotion Label and Data Split

    For more details of the dataset, please refer to the paper "DFEW: A Large-Scale Database for Recognizing Dynamic Facial Expressions in the Wild".